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DNS shutdown notices on Business Catalyst logins


i really wish that i could talk to a real person who could tell me why i keep on getting DNS shutdown notices when i log into Business Catalyst  It's very frustrating to spend 10-15 minutes browsing your website to find an answer, or a person who would answer my question only to have to LOG IN to send in this question.


I upgraded per the notices and don't know where else to go for the other DNS that are listed, as i can't find them in my only other web hosting account. 

R190 System Update - Scheduled to go live September 10th, 2013


We are announcing a new Business Catalyst release, scheduled to go live on Tuesday, September 10th.


Please refer to our blog post for an overview of all major changes.


In this release, we're introducing the ability to set metadata for products, similar to the previous feature we've done for blogs.

To show the Products Meta description, change the HTML for the Individual Product Large Layout to include the corresponding tags in the <head> tag. You can use {tag_productmetatitle} and {tag_productmetadescription} to output the product title and meta description, and they can be used for other meta properties as well.


Here's a code snippet:





  <meta content="{tag_productmetadescription}" name="description" />

  <meta content="{tag_productmetatitle}" property="og:title" />

  <meta content="{tag_productmetadescription}" property="og:description" />




...... rest of the product template code..........





To populate the Meta description for your products, you can use the product import - we've updated the export and the import files with a Product Meta Description column, it's the last column in the import template file.

Note: You still need to import all the product information (fill in all the rows and columns) even if only wanting to update the Product Meta Description.

Issues fixed in September release                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Issue #Description
3573073When displaying webapp items, the output of {tag_addtofavorites} does not change to "Remove" once that webapp item is added to the favourites list
3573985Viewing all campaigns causes a page crash, when having a large number of follow up campaigns
2892073The Reports-> Summary-> Visitors-> Visits by source-> Referral report includes the site domain in the list of referrals
3117057Re-arranging form fields is not saving properly, when having a large number of fields in the webform
3580368 Importing Wordpress blogs does not work with some specific import files
3591212 Customer Service Ticketing no longer sends emails to relationship users, when replying to a case
3590455Customer Service Ticketing no longer sends emails to the BCC email address specified in the CST Settings
3567997You get "An error occurred processing credit card" error when submitting a webform by using an Auto-fill browser extension, and that webform has the Anti-Bot Fraud Protection field enabled (has the module_ccsecurity in the webform HTML)
3579750Orders placed through PayPal standard are processed at Paypal, even though the "Do not finalize my PayPal transactions" Paypal Standard option is enabled, under E-commerce->Payment Gateways
3513305 Enable ability to set meta data for catalog pages and products pages, without having 2 metadata descriptions on the products detail pages
3599751Exporting campaign list subscribers downloads only 4 columns (full name, email address, optin status and subscribe date) - enable ability to download more customer details
3513665Cannot set Role Responsible for Products through import/export of products
2876577 "Tax Never applies" product option is exported as a blank value like the "Tax Not applicable" option. Also, importing products with "Tax Never Applies" does not set the tax to "Tax never applies"
2866150Pages imported as 301 redirects should be set to be "Excluded from search results" so they don't show up in the search results

Status: 503, 0 error message when trying to publish


I can not publish to my site.


Error Msg: An Adobe Business Catalyst error has occurred. Status: 503, 0.


Please advise...

Cannot Log Into my site.com/Admin - 404 Error


For the past 16 hours I have not been able to log into the Admin site of my site.  Clicking on Manage in the Partner Portal gives the same result.


AND, my site does not seem to be listed on the web.  I have double checked DNS from GoDaddy but they seem correct. No BC chat available.



All I wanted to do is add A php header and footer but it will not preview or Show on BC is php enabled on the server or do I need to Save in a diffrent format in order to make a dynamic site?

Add to Cart not working. Anyone else?

R192 System Update - Scheduled to go live November 18th, 2013


On November 18th, 2013 we are going to push live a Business Catalyst system update.


The release will include a fresh version of the InContext Editor, template support module_shoppingcartsummary and some bug fixes. For more information on the major updates coming on with this release, please check our release announcement on the Business Catalyst blog.

Issues fixed by November release


Issue #Description
3661632Fixed an issue in the new InContext Editing upload image interface that prevented users from adding an image tooltip because the field was disabled
3661338Updated caching engine configuration so that it also indexes and makes available in front-end comments that are approved by Akismet
3659713Fixed an issue in the check-out form that prevented users from selecting a shipping option when using Safari 6.1 with latest iOS version (related forum post)
3659081Fixed an issue on Safari 6.1 that made all action buttons invisible on all admin interface pop-ups (related forum post on the paid partner forum)
3658082Updated the Secure Domain redirect engine so that it does not checks links from email campaigns; for those links we're now using a different authenticity verification that does not force the user to white list the target URL.
3657003Updated new InContext Editing so that it recognizes the visitor device class module
3655209Fixed a bug in email campaigns list which caused the tree to crash when one tried to move a parent campaign under one of it's children
3655255Fixed a bug that caused the link picker to crash when one tried to link to a module that does not exist in the current site (ex: try to link to a blog, when the site does not have any blogs)
3654651Updated email marketing rendering engine to strip data:image tags since they are considered illegal by Amazon Mail Service
3654646Enforced captcha validation for Add to Favorites on any new sites
3654006Updated caching engine configuration force update a blog post content after a change is made in the back-end
3624146Updated the site replication engine to also copy the "Disable Detail Page" web app setting
2825557Updated site replication engine to also copy web app item addresses
3536925Fixed a bug in the new InContext Editing interface that caused a broken layout in Link Picker editor after a window resize
3606485Updated the new InContext Editing interface to lock down embed elements and keep the editor toolbar on top and active
3603360Updated InContext Editor to display a warning when navigating to admin without saving the changes
3608192Fixed a bug in the InContext Editing interface that caused an incorrect mark of editable regions
3603306Updated Impressum and OXO templates to make it compatible with the new InContext Editing versions
3488813Fixed a bug in the new InContext Editing version causing a broken mark-up when users duplicate a section

Known issues and limitations

This release includes the following known limitations:

  • InContext Editing does not allow users to edit Content Holders with dynamic names (ex:   {module_contentholder,name="{bc-module} "ice:editable="content"})   
    • Trying to save such a Content Holder will generate a "Content Holder not found" error message
    • The only dynamic names accepted are the ones generated from the {system_visitorDeviceClass} tag (ex:   {module_contentholder,name="ch-{system_visitorDeviceClass}"ice:editab le="content"})
  • InContext Editing does not offer support for editing modules inside an editable Content Holder. When editing   such Content Holder ICE will overwrite the module tag with the content generated by that module.
  • InContext Editing mark-up is not recognized inside a Content Holder when the Content Holder is not marked as   editable, any regions defined in the Content Holder will not be editable with ICE.
    For example:
    -   editable regions defined inside {module_contentholder,name="some content holder name"} are not editable on   ICE
    - editable regions defined inside an editable Content Holder {module_contentholder,name="some content   holder name" ice:editable="content"} are editable in ICE.
  • InContext Editing Toolbar   
    • The new editor uses the browser native Undo / Redo and Copy / Paste functions instead of having these built   in the toolbar
    • Clear formatting is now executed when users paste content into the editor; as a result, the clear formatting   options are no longer integrated into the new editor toolbar
    • Paragraphs and CSS style selectors are no longer available as the styles are inherited from the editable   region container
  • Integration with Dreamweaver CC has been removed as we plan to focus on auto-detecting the regions instead   of forcing users to mark-down content

I am a cloud member but i cannot log into business catalyst could you help me


I am a cloud member but i cannot log into business catalyst could you help me

I can log ino all my other adobe program but business catalyst will not let me connect

March 20th Release


Our March release includes:

You can jump to the corresponding section by clicking the above links.


New File Manager (Alpha, partners only)

We're proud to introduce the first public release of our new File Manager. Designed with productivity and ease of use in mind, the File Manager is an entirely new concept. When complete, it will be a full replacement for the current Pages, Templates, Module Templates, System Pages and old File Manager interfaces. The new File Manager is based on our rich client side, API based UI framework - we know you'll be impressed by how it performs

In this Alpha release, the following features are available:

  • Browsing files (including /_System folder, pages and templates)
  • Editing multiple files
  • Code editor with syntax highlighting, and code completion (including BC modules and tags)
  • Saving as draft and publishing Pages and Templates
  • Business Catalyst Toolbox, including module, tag and code snippets insertion




Some of the known issues which will be addressed in upcoming releases include:

  • IE8 browser compatibility
  • Folders containing special characters such as # and & cannot be accessed from tree list
  • File editor upper bar does not properly handle page info display/navigation on multiple rows

The File Manager is available only to Partners for now. Before introducing it to your business owner clients, we need to address permissions, design view editing and more.

We are looking forward to your feedback. Please let us about any issues you encounter, or your suggestions for improvements.


SEO options enabled out-of-the-box

The Site Settings -> SEO menu entry in Admin Console has been removed. The available options were:

  • SEO friendly URLs for eCommerce, Announcements, Web Apps -- these will be enabled for all sites
  • Enable partial URL matching for SEO friendly URLs -- this will remain as is for all sites, and will no longer be possible to enable it for new sites, which will have it turned off
  • Enable sitemap.xml for search engines -- this will remain as is for existing sites, and always enabled for new sites

Note that trial sites will not be indexed by search engines. Should you want to disable search engine indexing after upgrade, please use a custom robots.txt file or upload an empty sitemap.xml.

If you'd like to use a custom sitemap.xml file, simply upload it to your site. If this file exists, it will be served instead of the BC-generated sitemap.xml.

Should you still need to access the SEO settings, they will still be available for a short period at yoursite.com/AdminConsole/#!/Utilities/SEO.aspx


Updated user and email accounts user interfaces

To simplify the user and email accounts management workflows and increase Admin interface performance, we're updating their corresponding user interfaces beginning March 20th.

While email and user accounts will continue to share data to facilitate email and admin access for the same email address, the management of emails and user accounts will be separated. In addition, for better security, the user and email accounts will be created using an invitation workflow, which means that the user creating the account will not be able to set a password for the account they are creating.



The old user interface will preserve its functionality which allows admins to manage users and email accounts.

In addition, by separating the email and user account management, we are dropping the option of having a user that doesn't have admin and email access. While these accounts will continue to live on the system, they will have no interface to manage them. To manage these, you will need use the old user interface to enable email or admin access for each of these user accounts.

Note: The new interfaces for user and email accounts management will be made localization-ready using the Adobe Content Translation Tool starting with the next release. For non-English customers we recommend the use of the old user interface.


Other updates

  • Deleted sites will be permanently removed from the system 30 days after the site has been deleted via the Partner Portal or Site Admin Console.


Issues fixed by March release

  • Issue 3130084 (released Marh 8th) - Fixed a bug causing web forms to always send the email from info@businesscatalyst.com and impacting rebranded partners
  • Issue 3130433 (released March 8th) - Fixed a bug preventing form to email functionality to accept multiple email addresses in the TO address (separated by comma
  • Issue 3127444 (released March 8th) - Updated the code cleanup library to prevent removal of basic formatting tags
  • Issue 2986957 (released March 8th) - Fixed bug preventing users from updating credit card information for site plan orders
  • Issue 3085600 - Improved performance on Ad Rotators Audit Log and "Reports and performance" reports to prevent timeouts on large data sets
  • Issue 3127440 - Fixed a bug causing an "Object has moved" error when either the username or password fields are missing from a registration form
  • Issue 3133339 - Fixed a bug causing an "Object has moved" error when an invalid username or password is detected into a the secure zone registration form
  • Fixed a issue causing an "Object has moved" error when an existing CRM user tries to subscribe to different secure zone


Business Catalyst V3 fixes

  • Updated the visual behavior of pop-up dialogs to prevent the unfriendly resize visual effect after the screen loads
  • Fixed a problem causing the web form properties dialog to be repositioned right after it loads instead of keeping its initial position
  • Updated several report screens to enable horizontal scrolling when the content is wider than the screen (ex: customer reports)
  • Fixed a bug causing the file upload bar to display under the upload manager screen


What's next

New user interface V3 default for new users - pushed to April release

We've pushed the change of the default user interface for new users into the April release, so that we are able to better integrate some of the new features we're working on, such as the new File Manager and User and Email account management interfaces.

Updated domain management

Continuing the journey started with User and Email account management, we're going to update the domain management user interfaces to be more intuitive and faster to use without losing the functionality available today.

Admin system down tonight - Spelling mistake


We noticed that the admin system was done briefly tonight. That was ok, but there was a spelling mistake...



R186 System Update - Scheduled to go live April 17th, 2013


We are announcing a new Business Catalyst release, scheduled to go live on Monday, April 22nd, between 1AM - 6AM PST.


Please refer to our blog post for an overview of all major changes.

Issues fixed in April release                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Issue #Description
3501656Fixed an issue with the Change system and secure domains names in Partner Portal that was causing previous domain names to remain in the system and no longer available for use
3531460 Fixed in interface issue in Change Billing relationship user interface that was preventing users from saving changes because of the "Submit" button overlapping the site expiry date picker
3530757Updated secure redirect engine to automatically white label redirects made through ad rotators so that we don't force users to manually white list the target domain after creating an ad rotator
3532160Updated device detection engine to recognize BlackBerry 10 as a phone instead of a desktop
3532273 Updated link picker in the new email marketing editor to also show the list of blog posts
3535566 Update the link picker in the new email marketing editor to allow users to create links to documents in site
3014970 Fixed an issue with page generator engine to merge the blog meta data with the template meta data
3540843Sometimes blog files exported from WordPress could not be imported.

July Release


July release
[random display web app items from category, forgot password for online payments and bug corrections]


We are announcing a new Business Catalyst release, scheduled to go live next week.

This release includes several fixes that were impacting partners and customers using our eCommerce module, a new module setting allowing partners to display individual random items from a category, some improvements to the new File Manager, Forgot password support for offline payments and a few other bug fixes.


Known issues can be found posted here: http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-2372


Features and enhancements

Random display items per category

One frequent request we had from partners, was the ability to display random web app items from a specific category. With the next release we're going to include this setting not only for web apps, but for all items that supported random display: web app items, news, blogs, events, FAQs, Forums, Media Downloads. To display a random item from a category, a user should use the cr attribute in the module. See below some samples for each of the updates modules:

  • webapps - { module_webapps,5579,cr,41117 }
  • webappscustomer - { module_webappscustomer,5579,cr,41117 }
  • news - { module_announcement,cr,41117 } or { module_announcement,cr,41117,true,ajax,_top }
  • blog - { module_blog,cr,41117 }
  • events - { module_booking,cr,41117 }
  • faq - { module_faq,cr,41117 } or { module_faq,cr,41117,true,ajax,_top }
  • forum - { module_forum,cr,41117 }
  • media downloads - { module_literature,cr,41117 }


The new setting is also available through the module manager or our Dreamweaver integration



For more information on this new module parameter, read the Module Quick Reference guide.

Send web form to additional email addresses

With this release, we are enabling webBasics site owners to send the web form notification to multiple email addresses. To enable  that, we've added a new web form setting, named "Notification E-mail", that allows users to enter the email addresses where the web form notification should be sent:



Note: This functionality is available for all plans. When a workflow is applied on the form, this setting will list the email addresses included in the first step of the attached workflow.

"Forgot password workflow" for offline payments

Due to PCI-DSS security requirements, we have implemented a compliant workflow for the Offline Payment (OP) password.

  • Every user who has access to orders made through the offline payment gateway, will be required to set-up a security question and answer that the user will later use for the "Forgot Password" workflow.
  • In addition to this, we have published a compliant procedure to reset the Offline Payment password, in case a user forgets the security question and answer. It will be publicly available in our Knowledge Base.

Other changes

  • New File Manager: we've added keyboard shortcuts for some of the most common actions (see tooltips)
  • New File Manager: added support for multiple file upload;  (not supported on Internet Explorer 8/9 and tablets)
  • Report on opt-in status: we've updated  custom reports to allow customers also export the customer opt-n status
  • Updated events subscribers list to also display the subscriber email address

Deprecated functionality

  • With this release we are going to remove the reset password functionality from Partner Portal because it raises security implications as it allowed partners to view a user password; to reset an admin user password, partners can login into the site admin console and use the send password recovery email link from the Admin Users interface.
  • With August release, the Module Manager interface will remove the option to "Use Image for Button [x]" available for some modules (web form submit button, product search form button and more). The current browser support is good enough for enabling more effective ways to style buttons with CSS instead. This also helps with preparing to replace the current Module Manager with the better version available in File Manager.

Issues fixed by July release

  • Issue 2892059 - Fixed an issue preventing the Facebook like and comments module to render after choosing a different product from a product group; to enable Facebook comments, partners also need to update the way this plugin is included in the site; for more details on what needs to be updated, read the "Facebook comments plugin does not work properly when used with Product Grouping" technote
  • Issue 3219275 -     Fixed an issue causing recurrent orders to be created without a shipping option
  • Issue 2668311 -     Fixed an issue causing recurrent orders to include an incorrect shipping description
  • Issue 2900590 -     Fixed an issue causing an incorrect address to be displayed for web app items
  • Issue 3096566 -     Improved performance on loyalty email campaigns
  • Issue 3213170 -     Fixed an issue generating multiple email notifications for the  same transaction when a purchase is made through Payment Express payment gateway
  • Issue 2839472 -     Fixed an issue preventing users from saving the web form Auto Responder when the interface language was set to French
  • Issue 3219621 -     Fixed an issue generating random errors when updating customer details
  • Issue 3220784 -     Updated forum notifications to include the site URL even when a default domain is not set
  • Issue 3221426 -     Fixed an issue causing weekly emails to show "0 visitors" in right sidebar for webBasics websites even when the site had visits
  • Issue 3221199 -     Updated File Manager to prevent scrolling to the top of the page after saving a file
  • Issue 3221464 -     Fixed an issue in the blog user interface preventing users from deleting tags
  • Issue 3228822 -     Updated Payment Gateway user interface to have Save button enabled at all times to allow users save PayPal settings
  • Issue 3228829 -     Fixed an bug making Import Data page not accessible from the old user interface
  • Issue 3228812 -     Fixed an issue causing the Manage New Comments Rules to be displayed empty
  • Issue 3228560 -     Fixed an issue causing the link to support to load the business owner support page even if the logged in user was a partner
  • Issue 3230060 -     Fixed an issue preventing streaming literature items from being displayed correctly if extension was in uppercase
  • Issue 3230807 -     Fixed an issue causing module_ratingrank to not display custom images
  • Issue 3230062 -     Fixed an issue causing the Dashboard Reports to show the end date one day in the future.
  • Issue 2832342 - Fixed a bug causing Opt-In status to be exported blank when exporting a Customer Report to CSV
  • Issue 3208395 - Users can now change their recovery email from My Details page
  • Issue 3214348 - Updated visitors report Geographic location graph so that it also display  entries with missing or incomplete information
  • Issue 2751493 - Made "Limit Delivery to Following Countries" list selection reflect the select shipping option
  • Issue 3286799 - Fixed an issue in Custom Reports causing the report builder to crash when trying to filter by case status
  • Issue 3284135 - Fixed an issue preventing the image for removing products in the edit order screen from being rendered

Business Catalyst new admin interface updates

  • Updated several controls display rule to depend on user permission instead of user type (partner or business owner); this issue prevented Partners from accessing the new File Manager when logged in on sites that did not belong to their partner portal.
  • Fixed an issue causing link manager to not load if started from Rad editor link manager opened in pop-up windows
  • Fixed a problem causing the code editor to crash when pasting more than 140 characters


What's next

  • Import customers/web apps performance: following the release, we're going to release a update that aims to improve performance of our import engine; this aims to reduce import time and avoid timeouts during import;
  • Page metadata changes: we plan to update the way page metadata is handled  (for more details, see planned changes page)
  • New admin interface: updated the save and related action buttons behavior to be consistent throughout the entire admin (mockups)
  • Product Inventory Control per Attributes: we are planning to update the current e-commerce module to enable store owners to manage inventory based on product attributes; this feature is expected to be included in the September release.
  • New analytics infrastructure - beta: we will release a beta version of a new analytics infrastructure. This aims to solve performance issues when viewing analytics data, and some minor tweaks in visit calculations. A separate post on the paid partner forum with more information on how to access this beta version will be published next week.


Thank you,

Cristinel Anastasoaie
Adobe Business Catalyst Product Manager

Is it possible not to update Product Stock Quantity upon ADD TO CART event?



Is it possible that the Product Stock Quantity (In Stock) not to be updated on Add to Cart event or when the basket still exist?

And the updates/decrease of quantity will only happen when the customer have successfully paid or checked out.

R182 System Update - scheduled to go live December 4th, 2012


We are announcing a new Business Catalyst release, scheduled to go live on Tuesday, December 4th, between 1AM - 6AM PST.


Please see the blog post for an overview of all major changes.


Minor enhancements


  • Programmatically creating thumbnails from full size images now accepts a single dimension (width or height) and it always does proportional resize based on the dimension provided. (docs to be updated soon)
  • Bounce management updates - with this release, we are going to automatically unsubscribe and opt-out customers whose email addresses have hard bounced. Additionally, we have renamed the Invalid Email Addresses report into Hard Bounces and merged it with the Bounce report.
  • Import progress indicator - the import has been updated so that it now shows the import progress
  • Partner Portal updates: invoice list and comissions are now ordered descendent by date; additionally, the Billing tab now shows the Site ID next to each customer name
  • All charts are now rendered using a different library, leading to slightly different looks. There are no changes in chart data or functionality.

Issues fixed


Bug #Description
2873659Change customer's Secure Zone Subscriptions    date interval from 1920-2020 to 2000-2100

{module_title} displays the title ID instead of the customer's title e.g.    Mr, Mrs, etc

Note: this bug fix was reverted, and addressed in a future release

3156116when using the import loyalty campaign template the customer anniversary    dates are pre-filled with 1-1-9999 date instead of empty
3176084Total order amount wrong calculation for Netherlands, Espanol and Deutsch
3282902Wholesaler price with volume discount: The quantity threshold value will    be updated with '.00' decimals after the first save and after a second save,    an error will be triggered
3323767Company name is not displayed when a customer has more than one    relationship to a company, and one of the relationships has been deleted
3330266Using a discount code for free shipping with a minimum total condition    ignores it and recomputes the total based on item prices only
3338670The home address fields  associated    to a customer are lost when clicking Enter in the CRM contact detail panel
3341625If you are using custom templates to render a product the default    "list" template will appear after pressing the Add to cart button
3348888CRM entries are created when comments are set to "Must be logged    in" in order to post, and one comments as Anonymous
3348939When creating a campaign where the list of customers is over 2000, at the    last step "Preview and Send", the number of recipients remains on    "Calculating..."
3349824BR tags are commented from menu items tooltip on Save
3350859Sites with old no longer offered site plans cannot access FTP
3352094Wholesale price always saved as zero
3355847Viewing/editing a campaign, contentHolder or template file through the    File Manager logs the siteID as if it's the userID in the audit log
3353726Large literature items over 10 Mb cannot be uploaded. It should work for    files up to 100mb
3354064Cannot forward a non-WWW domain to a domain using the DNS tool once the    domain is already added in the admin panel
3354541Backup layout is not displayed when the web app items are inserted    through the new toolbox
3359256Disabled sites are not enabled if upgraded via Consolidated Billing    invoice on account
3359585Cannot re-add a non-WWW domain if the DNS zone is created and you have    removed it from your site
3362275Product template restored to default when using product grouping    functionality in site frontend e.g. module_product,CatID,ProdID    template="" - functionality broken
3362972Cannot create subdomains with more than one level after the first domain.
2599509{tag_capacitydescription} rendering "Full" even though there is    1 seat available in the booking
2638884Secure zone 'Frequency of Membership Renewal' option failing when    selecting 'once' with non recurring Payment gateway
2732950Change the Norwegian word “laurdag” into “lørdag”
2814482Sorting literature items doesn't work properly in Admin when filtering by    one letter
3000564Unclassified web app items are imported as classified with previous item    classification
3090411Campaigns are sent even though the site has been marked as deleted
3110319Pressing the Back button to return to the checkout form will load the    default engilsh version of the checkout form
3189476Campaign emails do not respect the standard for the Message-Id field
2567870Moving dynamic menu items using the ‘right click > Move up/down’    seems to intermittently skip a few places
2758568The tax is not recorded against the order if the initial payment fails    and the second payment is successful
2832245Exporting to PDF bounced reports for email campaign throws system error
2842411The webapp import hangs when having a large amount of custom fields
2841512[Reports] If you create a Customer and Order and use both "Product    Purchased with Details" and "Products Purchased" options you    will get the "An error occurred" message
2952394Checkout form on the Cadac template is unusable
3225813Newly created sites from templates, scratch or replicated sites shouldn't    have a sitemap.xml file, even if the original site has it
3301285SEO friendly URL column when importing a catalog is marked in admin panel    as optional, but this information is mandatory
3311966Static file cache invalidation fails occasionally, causing old file    version to be served even though it has been modified

SFTP uploads to AU data centre fails leaving 0 byte file on the server


Hi all,


Yesterday afternoon (5th Dec) sftp uploads stopped working. They had been working sucessfully up to that point, and I haven't made any changes to my configuration.


Bottom line - when I sync from Dreamweaver, it claims to copy the file sucessfully, however the end result is a 0 byte file on the server.


I tried connecting with a sftp client (Cyberduck) to see what was going on. When I copy a file using cyberduck, the same thing happens - it appears to copy sucessfully (ie. all bytes appear to transfer sucessfully), however a 0 byte file on the server is all I end up with.


What could be going on here? Every page I've updated since yesterday is 0 bytes so our site is no longer available.


Please, any help or advice would be much appreciated.





DNS shutdown notices on Business Catalyst logins


i really wish that i could talk to a real person who could tell me why i keep on getting DNS shutdown notices when i log into Business Catalyst  It's very frustrating to spend 10-15 minutes browsing your website to find an answer, or a person who would answer my question only to have to LOG IN to send in this question.


I upgraded per the notices and don't know where else to go for the other DNS that are listed, as i can't find them in my only other web hosting account. 

Help! Need to cancel site subscription recurring payment!


I need to cancel the recurring payment for our site:


Site Subscription for: Awbury Arboretum (181344)14-Jun-2013681174US$421.00US$421.00


ref # 5311787501


I thought I would be able to do this from the admin console, but I am not that tech-saavy.  Could a BC staff member assist me with this?  We realize that we will not be able to access our admin console after 14-June-2013 while our bill remains unpaid. 


Thank you!

Cannot Log Into my site.com/Admin - 404 Error


For the past 16 hours I have not been able to log into the Admin site of my site.  Clicking on Manage in the Partner Portal gives the same result.


AND, my site does not seem to be listed on the web.  I have double checked DNS from GoDaddy but they seem correct. No BC chat available.

Why is our website down and we're not receiving notices?


We received an email on Wednesday indicating some sites hosted on the US datacenter were intermittently unavailable.  Sure enough, our web was down.  Then back up, then down.  And it's down today.  Yet we've received no updates since Wednesday.  We are subscribed for the email updates, so they must not be posted very often?  But our web is down!

Admin system down tonight - Spelling mistake


We noticed that the admin system was done briefly tonight. That was ok, but there was a spelling mistake...



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